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Phone: +420 777 603 603

Statue Collectibles store Poděbrady    

Jiřího náměstí 36
Poděbrady, 29001
Czech Republic

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 10am - 6pm                        Sat - Sun 9am - 7pm



Statue Collectibles store PRAGUE

Opletalova 4
Praha 1, 110 00
Czech Republic

Opening hours:
Mon-Thu 10am - 6pm                  Fri 10am - 7pm                              Sat 9am - 7pm
Sun 9am - 6pm 


Statue Collectibles store KROMĚŘÍŽ

Kotojedy 76
Kroměříž, 76101
Czech Republic

Opening hours:
Mon-Thu 10am - 6pm                  Fri 10am - 7pm                              Sat 9am - 7pm
Sun 9am - 6pm 



Statue Collectibles store Kutná Hora

Šultysova 174
Kutná Hora, 28401
Czech Republic

Opening hours:
Mon-Thu 10am - 6pm                  Fri 10am - 7pm                              Sat 9am - 7pm
Sun 9am - 6pm 








Notebooks A5 2-Pack Player's Logbook

Age rating:
Producer: Beadle & Grimm´s
Code: BNG13307
EAN: 9781955133074
Availability: preorder 2025-03-31
18 pcs
Watchdog Add to wishlist Share

"Maybe you really aren't all in on this character yet.

After all, they're first level, you're running a type you haven't run before, and your GM has been known to be a wee bit liberal with the wandering monsters.

So, rather than get 1 hard cover journal, and the commitment to that character's future that implies, get 2 soft cover Player's Logbooks. All the session tracking goodness of the hard cover Player's Journal, but a softer landing if things go badly south.

Both A5-sized booklets have over 70 pages of session notes and grids for making maps. They come in both red and black, and when you're done, and your character has surprised you (and maybe your GM), you'll have a story of adventure you can keep.

And if you're feeling more confident in their future, buy them a Player's Journal, and capture their full glory, at least until a wandering monster gets them."